Professional Solar PV Installation in Meopham North, Gravesham have completed many Solar PV installations at homes and businesses in Meopham North, Gravesham and its surrounding areas such as Central, Painters Ash and Woodlands.

Our team of dedicated installers treat every installation differently and offer bespoke quotations depending on your requirements and your property.

Whether you are looking to install a simple Solar PV system at your home or planning a large industrial project in the Meopham North, Gravesham area, why not get a no obligation quote? It only takes a minute and is tailored to your specific Solar PV needs!

It only takes 30 seconds. We generated over 6,000 quotes last year.

Areas we cover in Gravesham for Professional Solar Panel Installations

When it comes to Solar Panel installation in Meopham North, Gravesham and its surrounding areas, have over 2o year's experience in installing complete solar pv systems in the following areas;

What Are The Advantages Of Installing Solar Energy On My Property?

Read our guide below to see why you should install a Solar PV system today.

Save Money

Your electricity bills will decrease due to the power you are generating and using. If you install a battery and are careful how you use your power, you could use very little grid energy between March to November.

Low Maintenance

Once installed, solar panels require very little maintenance. They are generally installed at an angle which allows rain to run off freely, washing dirt and dust away. If you keep them from becoming blocked by dirt, solar panels could last for over 25 years with little loss in efficiency. Inverters may need replaced every 10 years.


Investing in a solar power system makes you less reliant on the National Grid for your electricity. As an energy generator, you can enjoy cheaper electricity throughout the day. If you invest in battery storage, you could carry on using solar energy after the sun goes down.


You will be contributing to a more efficient way of generating energy. Transmitting energy from power plants across extensive networks to your home inevitably results in energy loss. When your power is coming direct from your rooftop, the loss is minimised, so less energy is wasted.

No Planning Permission Required

Solar panels are considered ‘permitted development’ you usually do not need a permit to install them on your roof. There are a few limitations you need to bear in mind before installation. If your property is in a conservation area, or in a World Heritage Site, panels must not be fitted to a wall which fronts a highway. If you have any doubts, contact your local planning department.

Property Value

Current trends in the energy market mean that a home with solar panels could command a higher price in the future than one without.

National UK Solar PV Installation Coverage has a team of national Solar PV Installers who can help you with all your Solar PV needs from planning to installation.

Our family run business currently have Solar PV installation experts ready to install in the following locations across the UK

Ready to lower your energy bills? Get a quote today and take control.